Local high school seniors win NOVEC and VMDAEC college scholarships

June 23, 2015

Contact: NOVEC Public Relations, 1-888-335-0500, [email protected]

MANASSAS, Va. – Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) and the Virginia, Maryland &Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives (VMDAEC) have awarded 14 college scholarships in May and June to outstanding high school seniors who live in the Co-op's territory in Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William and Stafford counties, and in the City of Manassas Park.

NOVEC High School Scholarship Program 

Each year the program's selection committees review hundreds of applications from students. The committees determine winners based on applicants' academic records, recommendations, community involvement, work experience, essays, and demonstrated leadership.

Nine public high school students, and one student who is either home-schooled or attends a private school, receive $1,500 scholarships. Another $1,500 scholarship goes to a graduating high school senior who is a NOVEC employee's dependent. After reviewing the applications of these 11 students, the committees select the most outstanding student to win the $1,500 J. Manley Garber scholarship.

"The committees have a difficult job because all of the applicants have outstanding records," says Donna Snellings, NOVEC public and government relations liaison. "NOVEC is committed to supporting education. Helping graduating seniors get a college education is part of that support. We salute and congratulate all scholarship winners as they prepare for college this fall."

NOVEC High School Scholarship Program Winners 

·Kenneth Miller, Garber Scholar —Prince William County, Stonewall Jackson High School, GPA: 4.63
·Emily Stafira —Prince William County, Forest Park High School, GPA: 4.34
·Holly Rucker —Loudoun County, Loudoun County High School, GPA: 4.17
·Michael Lidwin —Loudoun County, John Champe High School, GPA: 4.33
·John Pace —Fairfax County, Westfield High School, GPA: 4.30
·Rachel Dougherty —Fairfax County, Westfield High School, GPA: 4.21
·Quinn Morrow — Fauquier County, Kettle Run High School, GPA: 4.04,
·Matthew Casias —Stafford County, North Stafford High School, GPA: 4.42
·Kyung Yun Min —City of Manassas Park, Manassas Park High School, GPA: 4.31
·Katherine Wood —Private/home school, Pope John Paul the Great Catholic High School, GPA: 4.24
·Margaret Hudak —NOVEC dependent, Battlefield High School, GPA: 4.11

VMDAEC Educational Scholarship Foundation

The VMDAEC Educational Scholarship Foundation has award 47 $1,000 scholarships this year to students who receive power from electric cooperatives in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. The scholarships are based on financial need, academic achievement, and a personal statement. Scholarship winners will enter their first semester of college, technical or trade school in autumn 2015.  

VMDAEC Educational Scholarship Foundation Winners in NOVEC Territory

·Lana Luong —Prince William County, Patriot High School, GPA: 4.52
·Marissa Marth —Prince William County, Gar-Field High School, GPA: 4.18


VMDAEC is the trade association for NOVEC and 14 other electric co-ops that distribute electricity to customers in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. Based in Glen Allen, Va., VMDAEC provides safety and employee training, governmental relations and other services. For more information, visit the Community Resources section of www.vmdaec.com.

NOVEC is a not-for-profit electric utility corporation that supplies and distributes electricity and energy-related services to more than 180,000 metered customers in Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William, Stafford, and Clarke counties, the Town of Clifton, and the City of Manassas Park. It is Virginia’s largest electric cooperative and one of the largest electric companies of its kind in the nation. Learn more at novec.com, or call 703-335-0500. NOVEC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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