Ashburn Third Grader and Fairfax Station Fourth Grader Win in Electric Co-op Youth Art Contest

July 01, 2015

Contact: NOVEC Public Relations, 1-888-335-0500, [email protected]

MANASSAS, Va. —Mihika Dusad of Ashburn and Mary Grace Pisano of Fairfax Station, whose families receive electric power from Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative, have placed in Cooperative Living magazine's 2015 Youth Art Contest. Their winning entries are featured in the magazine's July issue. 

Dusad placed first among all third graders for her picture of a girl and boy playing on a beach with a kite and sandcastle near a lighthouse. Pisano placed third among fourth graders for her depiction of Cocoa Beach with a colorful sun in the horizon over sand and ocean. 

More than 500 aspiring artists in kindergarten through fifth grade throughout Virginia submitted artwork to the 13th-annual Cooperative Living Youth Art Contest. They illustrated the theme "My Favorite Vacation." 

"We started the Youth Art Contest to encourage youthful creativity and give kids a chance to show their art to the magazine's 1.25 million readers," said Bill Sherrod, Cooperative Living's editor. "Everyone who judged the entries was impressed with both the quality and creativity of the students' work."  

NOVEC customers can see pictures of the girls' art, along with pictures of the other winning submissions, in the printed version of Cooperative Living, which NOVEC customers will receive in the mail the first week of July. The art can also be seen at or  

About Cooperative Living Cooperative Living magazine is published for NOVEC and 11 other statewide electric cooperatives by the Virginia, Maryland &Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives. It is mailed to more than 500,000 homes and businesses 10 times a year. VMDAEC administers the art contest and judges the entries.

NOVEC is a not-for-profit electric utility corporation that supplies and distributes electricity and energy-related services to more than 180,000 metered customers in Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William, Stafford, and Clarke counties, the Town of Clifton, and the City of Manassas Park. It is Virginia’s largest electric cooperative and one of the largest electric companies of its kind in the nation. Learn more at, or call 703-335-0500. NOVEC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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